Ayurveda-the science of life
Welcome to you to study in one of the most advanced systems on the Internet about the oldest and traditional science. Like this ancient system of health care can be for the people, if technological advances have radically change our way of life, our environment and our medicine?
The principles of Ayurveda are an important link in understanding, in detail, a naturally healthy life. The importance and the benefits of personal responsibility for their own well-being, today all people look so that it know the best system of Ayurveda health in the world.Ayurveda is a science of life to learn more about it. Life according to Ayurveda is an integration of mind, body, spirit and soul. Ayurveda is based on this definition of life is not only on the body or limited physical symptoms, but also a comprehensive handle on spiritual, mental and social health.Words such as soul and spirituality can sound old-fashioned or create a negative thought in some of you, as they have no place in the current science.
As we heard on these topics, we were uncomfortable. Actually believe not ours is it our fault. Nobody ever said these things to us. We are always in the material world outdoor attractions will started happily and in peace.Today’s society, education, culture and the TV-all talks about materialism. If all that was what because that is how most of us are unhappy. There is no disorder, fear, mental tension, fighting and terror be undertaken everywhere, despite the best attempts. This is because each part of our body is not adequately nourished.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda literally means “Science of life and longevity.”, and is regarded as the traditional system of medicine from India. Is the world’s oldest health system.Ayurveda is a science, it is a complete system. A qualitative science, holistic health and longevity, is a philosophy and system of healing the whole person, body and spirit.The emergence of this system comes from a distant past, in philosophy and medicine were not separated. Due to this philosophical point of view this is influenced by the Ayurvedic way of thinking.
What is unique about Ayurveda?
There are several aspects of Ayurveda which are unique:Ayurveda provides reference points for managing treatment decisions for each specific. Ayurvedic theory is deep in analysis of the education of the individual patient and variations in the manifestation of the disease to understand.The Ayurveda table models of the patient’s original condition working used structure and design a vision or destination for an entire state of health, which in any case again unique.Ayurveda offers specific recommendations for each individual in lifestyle, nutrition, movement and yoga, herbal therapy and even spiritual.Procedure to restore and maintain balance in body and mind. Ayurveda sees a strong connection between the mind and the body, a huge amount of information is available about this relationship.This understanding that we are all unique Ayurveda allows individuals, not only certain health problems, but also offers to attract explanation as to why one person responds differently than the others.
Origin of Ayurveda
Historians do not pin tips, the exact time, the Ayurveda originated. The majority agree that the classical texts of Ayurveda were written India between 3,500 and 5,000 years ago, although some suggest an even longer list.
Legend:The origins of this lighting system are lost in time. The legend claims the creator Brahma, have been taught for the Prajapati Daksha (One of the Lords of animals), which, in turn, taught the divine twins called the Ashwinikumars.Ashwinikumars are the heavenly healers. They taught Indra, the Chief of the shining ones. The listed characters were deities of early Vedic times. As humanity suffer from various diseases began, as the wise Bharadvaja learned of Indra, that know the medicine. Gradually, the huge amount of accumulated knowledge was systematically divided into various sectors.
All matter is thought to of five basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) exist, the properties of Earth (Prithvi), viewing Water (Jala), fire (Tejas),Wind (Vayu) and space (Akasha). These elements are not isolated, but always a combination which is dominated by one or more elements. According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of five derivatives basic elements in form of doshas, tissues (Dhatus) and waste products (bags).
The three doshas are the humorous card Department or doshas: the most basic principle and characteristic of Ayurveda is called “Tridosha” physiological factors of the body. To all entities, perverse, subtle and are classified in vata, pitta and Kapha. Vata governs movement and is represented by the nervous system. Pitta is the principle of biotransformation and is the cause of all metabolic processes in the body. Kapha is the principle of cohesion and of the functions through body fluids. Together these the physiological Constitution of the individual determines three doshas.Dhatus: the substances are classified into seven categories: plasma, blood cells, muscle, adipose tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow and reproductive tissue.Bags: three main products of residues are sweat, urine and feces.For the metabolic processes of the body, there are three main groups of biological factors, probably with enzyme functions
(Agni). Jatharagni is responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrients while this process digestion.Put yourself in three phases: first aid digestion of sweet (Madhura) and salty (Lavana) nutrients and then the digestion of sour (AMLA) nutrients and digestion of sharp (Tikta), bitter (KATU) and astringent (Kasaya) nutrients. The products of these three phases are sweet, sour and spicy.Panchabhutagnis: contains five kinds of biological factors, is responsible for the processing of the five basic elements in a Composition of the body useful.Dhatvagnis: the third group contains seven types, each for the assimilation of the seven substances that occurs this assimilation one after the other. The nutritious substance absorbed, plasma (Rasa) is first made; Plasma blood (Rakta), arises the muscle (Mamsa), adipose tissue (MEDA), bone tissue (Asthi), bone marrow (Marta) and germ cells (Shukra).