Cardiovascular disease – types, causes, treatment and preventions
Heart-Today it is one of the biggest health problems and leading cause of death due to lifestyle disease is cardiovascular disease. India itself has a huge burden of patients with coronary heart disease and according to recent estimates, cardiovascular diseases responsible for death of 39.5% in the year 2030. To understand why heart disease is responsible for so many deaths, you must understand the basics about the heart function and the effects of brief interruptions in the function of the heart, which can lead to heart disease.
How does the heart work?
Your heart is a fist great organ, is located in the region of the breast (slightly to the left)and under the rib cage, which pumps (cleaned), oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. If different parts of the body with oxygen, the circulating system oxygen poor blood back to the heart of where he lung sent be cleaned with oxygen. The pumps the blood is achieved by the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. This contraction and relaxation called a heart attack. But the heart needs electrical pulse until the conclusion of the contract and relax.
If something with cardio vascular system or electrical impulse goes wrong the muscle of the heart, the heart will suffer of course. That’s why heart disease not only a disease or condition. A collection or a group of diseases, which is the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart or take away, is damaged, or if the heart is not in its normal form can work. But other factors such as viral infections that affect the function of the heart is composed also by cardiovascular disease.
Types of cardiovascular diseases
There are more than 60 different forms of heart disease. Here, they are most commonly found in people from around the world.
- coronary heart disease: heart disease also called coronary artery disease. This influence or affect the coronary arteries supply blood to the heart.
- angina pectoris: Angina or Angina Pectoris is a condition or a symptom of coronary artery disease. It feels excruciating pain, tension, and discomfort in the chest, when the heart receives not enough blood.
- cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy is a disease in which the heart muscle, which helps pump blood through the body weak will.
- congenital heart defects: a default value (functional structural) is found in the hearts of men, at the time of birth.
- arrhythmia: is a disease, the causes of irregular heart beat because of insufficient electrical impulses, received from the heart. The heart beat too fast (tachycardia) or too slow (Bradychardia) can also be caused.
- heart failure: heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood throughout the body effectively. Congestive heart failure occurs when accumulates excess fluid in the body, due to congestive heart failure, impair the filter function of the kidneys and cause traffic jams.
- a trial fibrillation occurs due to arrhythmia, if the electrical pulse fast heart flutters makes agreement very fast and irregular.
- heart inflammation (myocarditis and Pericarditits): the heart tissue can be ignited due to a viral infection of the heart.
- myocardial infarction: a complicated term for heart attack, is when the blood supply to the heart is blocked by narrowing the blood vessels completely.
- ischemic heart disease: occurs when the blood supply to the heart is reduced by the partial blockage of the blood vessels and can lead to heart attack and other heart diseases.
Causes and risk factors
Any kind of cardiovascular disease will have its own set of causes and risk factors, but by the great, the cause of heart disease in dysfunction of the blood vessels, heart muscle or electrical impulses of the heart, signs, is as mentioned above. Here, some risk factors are modifiable and non modifiable arguments, which can lead to heart disease:
- family history: you have a family member, suffers from a heart condition, the condition is likely to suffer. The risk is greater if any of your immediate relatives before55 years heart attack.
- age: Age is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The risk factor of life is high for both men on women over the age of 40 years. But women should worry the age as a risk factor for 55, if all other factors are controlled.
- gender: Women on average suffer heart disease about 9 years later than men, but the progression is faster in them compared to men.
- adult: genetic differences and environmental factors play a role, the determination of risk factors for heart disease. The Indians have a high risk, but the risk is higher in Indians, when compared to the Indians.
Here are few changeable risk factors that can be controlled to reduce the risk of heart disease.
- blood sugar: people with diabetes have a higher risk of coronary heart disease or stroke three times and four suffer a greater risk of heart disease to die time.
- Hypertension: Hypertension means increased blood pressure in the artery walls. If not properly controlled, this increase in pressure can result in thickening of blood vessels.
- smoking: If you smoke you are twice as likely to heart disease as people to suffer,not to smoke. The risk depends on the duration and frequency of smoking.
- high cholesterol: If the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood is high cholesterol on the walls of the arteries is deposited and block the arteries confined blood flow, causing to heart disease.
- High triglyceride level: in India, a high level of triglycerides is a major concern and determines the General risk of heart disease.
- obesity: If you are overweight, you are 6 times more likely suffer heart disease. Obesity is associated with most of the other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Symptoms of heart disease
Heart disease is a silent killer that progresses slowly and is free of symptoms during the early stages. But a man can develop heart disease at a very young age and show no symptoms until 50 or 60 years.Again, the signs and symptoms of heart disease isn’t for everyone can be the same. Here, the most common signs of heart disease are connected.
- shortness of breath (Dyspnea): Shortness of breath often experienced by patients with congestive heart failure. It is also a warning sign of a heart attack.
- pain: Pain in the chest (Angina pectoris) is a classic symptom of heart attack and coronary heart disease (CHD). In some cases, it is connected to the pain in the chest with inflammation of the tissue for the heart (pericardium).
- the swelling of the feet: you can see swelling of the feet and ankles in people with congestive heart failure, where the heart of the ability reduced to pump blood.
- cold sweat: a person, who is expected to have before he was sweating, without physical exertion can be a heart attack.
- fatigue or exhaustion: is one of the most common symptoms of congestive heart failure and heart attack in women is unexplained general weakness and fatigue. Fatigue is also common in the elderly or people with diabetes suffer from on cardiovascular disease.
Diagnosis of cardiopathy
Selection for cardiac function is a must, especially if you non-modifiable risk factors that increase susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. Those, the already high cholesterol,triglycerides BP needs extra carefully and often with selection of cardiac function.
The investigation of the blood: the blood is the pool of several markers as the blood sugar levels of Fibrinogen, C – reactive protein and lipids, refers to the possibility of developing heart disease.X-ray: Chest X-ray is a simple screen test, useful for the diagnosis of many diseases of the heart such as congestive heart failure, heart enlargement and infections of the heart.ECG: Electrocardiogram or ECG is a useful test to evaluate the heart rate and related to heart disease. It calculate the electrical action of the heart.
Medicines for cardiovascular disease
There are many group of medications that are dependent on help in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, factors that pose a risk. Lowering blood cholesterol drugs (statins) helps reduces cholesterol, preventing heart disease as a result of arteriosclerosis lead to plaque formation.
- Anticoagulant (blood thinning agents) are prescribed, to the blood coagulation and the extension of existing blood clots form to prevent.
- Diuretics are a class of medications used to reduce the accumulation of fluid in the body. They are prescribed for patients with high blood pressure.
- Anti-clotting drugs such as aspirin may be recommended to prevent blood clotting.
- Beta blockers are another class of drugs used to decrease the heart rate and decrease the force of the Treaty with which the heart beats.
- Heart transplantation: It is rarely done, because it is difficult to acquire a healthy heart and the corresponding receiver is even more difficult.
Prevention of heart disease:
- Quit smoking: Even irregular or ‘social smoking’ is threatening and increases the risk of heart disease. The good news is that no matter how long you have been smoking, you will feel good, and begin reaping bonus as soon as you leave the habit
- eat healthy foods: healthy eating is a starting point of cardiovascular disease in check to keep. Simple changes, such as switching to healthier cooking oils, limitation, salt and sugar can help to prevent heart disease. Allow more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
- avoid a sedentary lifestyle leads: daily exercise is a must, even if it is for 30-45 minutes regular physical activity helps control your weight and reduce your chances of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, which can put a strain on your heart