Principle of Ayurveda Tridosha

Ayurveda TridoshaThe most fundamental theory and characteristic of Ayurveda is Tridosha or the three humors. Ayurveda Tridosha is believed to have five basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) exist to show that the properties of the Earth (Prithvi), water (Jala), fire (Tejas), wind (Vayu) and space(Akasha). The structural aspect of our body is made up of five elements, but the practical feature of the body depends on three biological humors. Ether and air together VATA; Agni and water, PITTA; Water and Earth, KAPHA. You rule the psycho biological changes in the body and Physio pathological changes. Vata-Pitta-kapha are in all cells, tissues and organs. Doshas must be considered, all entities perverse, subtle, vata governs movement and is represented by the nervous system. Pitta is the concept of biotransformation and is the cause of all metabolic processes in the body. Kapha is the principle of cohesion andof the functions through body fluids. In every human being these three doshas are different permutations and combinations and thus to determine the physiological Constitution (Prakriti) of the individual. Vata, pitta and kapha are expressed clearly available in each individual and every human being differently for the predominance of different qualities (Esther).

VATA- air or mood of the nervous system

Vata is dry, light, cool, mobile, active, clear, astringent and it is discharged. Autumn isvata season, time of the day in the afternoon and early in the morning.

VATA types and their functions:

Vatadosha is divided into 5 types, according to the headquarters and the various functions, which carries

  •  Prana vata governs: senses, reasoning, creative thinking, enthusiasm,
  •  Udana: Vata governs the quality of voice, memory, motion of perception
  •  Samana vata: controls the movement of food through the digestive tract
  •  Apana vata: Waste disposal, sexual purpose, menstrual cycle
  •  Vata Vyana: regulates blood flow, heart rate, sweating, the sense of touch

Things to do

  •  Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage with sesame oil)
  • Stay in cold weather, windy warm
  • Consumes food mean cooked (less raw)
  • Bed early have sufficient rest and sleep.
  •  Encourage, eating hot, oily, heavy with sweet, sour and savory flavors.

Things not to do

  •  Avoid light food, dry, cold, bitter, sharp and astringent
  • Avoid raw foods, juices, fasting
  • Avoid stimulants, tobacco, alcohol
  • Try to avoid excessive aerobic activities

Medicines for vata

VATAAre medicines and herbs, the plasticizer, medicated herbal oils demulcent, sweaty, warm Nervines, antispasmodic, carminative, and heating suitable for the treatment of air unbalances. are they are also usually acceptable for internal and external application. Castor oil is because of its thick viscosity, the strongest oil for the treatment of the excess vata. Herbs and bitter and astringent substances such as Cascara bark and Bayberry bark, you increase the air, while those that are sweet and skin nourishing, like such as slippery elm, Marshmallow root and Comfrey, soft make. Panchkarma therapy  for primary derangement of vata is the use of healing oils, typically externally applied.

PITTA-the humor of the fire

Hot pitta, has sharp quality, light, liquid, sour, oily and spread. Pitta has a strong odor, like a smell of meat and tastes sour or bitter.

Pitta types and their functions

  • Alochaka Pitta: functioning of the controls of the eyes
  • Bhrajaka Pitta: responsible for the shine of the skin healthy
  • Sadhaka Pitta: controls the desire for unity, determination, spirituality
  • Pachaka Pitta: responsible for the digestion, assimilation, metabolism of healthy nutrients and tissues
  • Ranjaka Pitta: responsible for healthy blood, free of toxins

Things to do

  •  Stay calm. Avoid hot temperatures and warm dishes
  •  Promotion of fresh foods, hard, dry, sweet, bitter and astringent
  •  Keep economical activities.
  • You keep regular meals, especially at noon

Things not to do

  •  Avoid Sesame and mustard oils, fish, milk, mutton, acidic fruits, alcohol, meat and fatty foods, greasy.
  • Restrict spicy foods, sour, salty, spicy, greasy and light
  •  Avoid working
  •  Avoid fasting

Medicines for Pitta

PITTAMedicines and herbs, cooling, cleaning, laxative, antipyretic and blood detoxifier,Cholagogic (releasing bile) are suitable for the treatment of imbalances of the fire. Herbal laxatives such as Senna, Cascara bark and Rhabar

KAPHA- water humor

Heavy, slow qualities fresh, oily, liquid, dense, thick, cloudy and static. These are important qualities of kapha and kapha is sweet and salty.

Kapha types and their functions:

  • Tarpaka kapha: responsible for moisture in the nose, mouth, eyes and brain
  • Bhodaka kapha: Ruled the taste, which is essential for proper digestion
  • Kledaka kapha: command the humidity of the intestinal mucosa and gastric
  • Avalambaka kapha: protects the heart, muscles, lungs healthy
  • Sleshaka: Kapha lubricates the joints, keeps the skin soft and supple.
  • Helpful tips for kapha balance

Things to do

  • Regular movement do begin you should be warm to your body with Soorya namaskara, followed by a vigorous activity
  • Prefer warm temperatures, dry in cold weather, hot and steamy
  •  Use vegetables, vegetables and fresh fruit
  • Incentives for the poignant, bitter, astringent food, light, dry, warm

Things not to do

  • Reduction of heavy foods, oily, cold, sweet, sour and salty
  •  Avoid heavy meals.
  • Sleep promotes kapha, so avoid excessive sleeping,
  • All frozen desserts should be avoided.

Medicines for kapha

KaphaMedicines and herbs, diuretics, sweaty, stimulating warming, carminative, expectorant and Aperient (easy laxative) the heating system for the treatment of kapha imbalance is suitable

By Bijendra Deo Ojha

Bijendra Deo Ojha is a prominent figure in IT and web development, known for founding Bizs Point IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow, India. Beyond his technical expertise, Bijendra is also a versatile blogger and writer, contributing extensively on various subjects such as technology, business, health, education, and personal development. Through his blend of technical knowledge and creative expression, he continues to influence the digital landscape with his multifaceted writing endeavors.