Concept of Agni in Ayurveda
Agni (fire), one of the Panchamahabhoota has the characteristic that can exist without a base. The body exists in Pitta dosha.
Agni is liable for the following functions:
- Stunt-fear (Manuela-bhaya)
- Digestion – indigestion (Pakti-Apakti)
- Rage Exholoration (Krodham Harsham)
- Degrees of heat (Matra-Amatratvamushmanala)
- Normal and abnormal skin (Prakrit-Vikarit Varnam)
- Vision-the absence of vision (Darshanam-Adarshanam)
- Confusion-the clarity of mind (Moha-Prasadan)
For the metabolic operations of the body there are three main groups of biological factors, exhibit probably enzymatic functions (Agni).
Jatharagni or Koshthagni:
The Pachak Pitta. Is responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrients during this process.
The process of immunity conceptĀ (AHAR Pachan) is divided into three phases, which collectively are called PaKa Avastha and can be divided into the following.
- Amavstha (Madhuravastha)-Paka in the stomach
- PaKa Pachymanavastha (Amlavstha)-in ‘Grahani’ (Duodenum)
- Pakavstha (Katuavstha) PaKa small and large intestine
Changes at different levels of the digestion of this phase of the digestive Avsthapaka are called as the Rasa. At the end of the digestion of food digested his original has flat, representing the Rasa of the ingested food. This is called Nishtha PaKa.It is called also in the vernacular as Vipaka.
Madhur Rasa & Lavande Rasa has Madhura Vipaka, AMLA Rasa Vipaka AMLA and Rasa KATU Tikta and Kashayavasthi with Vipaka KATU.
The third group contains seven types, for the assimilation of the seven tissues that in sequence occurs this assimilation. The nutritious substance absorbed, plasma (Rasa) is first made; Plasma is formed in blood (Rakta), then tissue muscle (Mamsa), adipose tissue (MEDA), bone, tissue (Asthi), bone marrow (Marta) and germ cells (Shukra).
In addition to the implementation of all metabolic functions, the Agni deals with digestion (AHAR Pachan) and in the absence of Ahar acts on the Musa the metabolites loves you metabolize correctly i.e. unsuitable. If AHAR and love are missing makes the Agni dhatu function IE Rasa, Rakta, etc.. Digestion of dhatu is a serious error condition in the Dhatus are broken down for energy. A so-called ‘Kshaya Roga’ results in the reduction or dhatu quantum deficiency in the human body.
In Ayurveda, it is believed that any pathology due to lack of Agni (Kaya) occurs. The correction of Kaya, i.e. Agni is called therefore a treatment or ‘ ‘ Kaya Chikitsa in Ayurveda
Agni are also classified into four categories to as they manifest in humans:
- Tikshnagni-sharp,
- Mandagni smooth,
- Vishamagni irregularly, and
- Samagni regular or balanced.